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Administrative and municipal law

Volchenko, T.I. Provision of legal assistance by the customs bodies of the Russian Federation in the proceedings on administrative offences cases.

Abstract: The article provides the study of the mechanism for the provision of legal assistance by the customs bodies of the Russian Federation in administrative offence cases, providing for its main stages. Additionally, the author pays attention to the fact that the legislator fails to list procedural acts which may be required from abroad via sending request for legal assistance on administrative offence cases in Chapter 29.1 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation. Based upon the interpretation of the provisions of the said Code with due consideration of the Treaty on Legal Aid and Cooperation of the Customs Bodies of the Member States of the Customs Union on criminal and administrative offence cases the author provides analysis of the amount of the legal aid requested by the customs bodies of the Russian Federation in the administrative offences cases. The methodological basis for the study involved dialectic materialism and the system of general and specific scientific methods based upon it, including: formal logical method, systemic method, method of comparative legal studies, etc. Based upon the analysis of norms of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation, as well as international treaties on cooperation and mutual aid in customs cases the author studies the main stages of provision of legal assistance by the customs bodies of the Russian Federation in administrative offence cases, specifying their specific features. Additionally, the author names the procedural acts, which may be requested via sending the request on legal assistance on administrative offence cases.


legal aid, administrative offences, administrative process, international cooperation, customs bodies, customs offences, proof, request, sending a request, implementing a request.

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