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Administrative and municipal law

Shishkina, A.V. Comparative characteristics of the administrative supervision bodies in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article provides comparative characteristics of the administrative supervision bodies in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. Additionally, the author provides historical analysis of administrative supervision bodies, providing substantiation for differentiation of the terms \"control\" and \"supervision\". The need to guarantee compliance with the generally obliging rules provided by legislation and other normative legal acts by all of subjects of law at any time whatever an existing political and state systems are, requires formation of specialized state bodies and provision to them of the relevant competence. The studies involve examples of administrative supervision bodies in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, namely Nizhegorodsky region, Republic of Altai, Republic of Udmurtia, etc. Control and supervision form one of the main functions of a state, and they are aimed at guaranteeing strict compliance with the legislation and its reasonable application within the framework of law. Control and supervision are complicated state mechanisms, involving systems of various components, their tuning requires quality theoretical background. Currently the system of administrative supervision bodies in the Russian Federation is formed with executive bodies of various nature.


control, supervision, management, administrative supervision, constituent subject of the Russian Federation, Nizhegorodsky region, characteristics, administrative supervision body, inspection, prosecutor supervision.

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