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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Goibova M.A. Main Institutions of Tajikistan Social Legislation

Abstract: The subject of the research is social relations in the field of social security, which are covered by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan as a member of the international community. Social protection – an essential component of social policy of the country and labor relations, such as material support of the population, the organization of health and social care incapacitated category of citizens. The article identifies three major institution of social legislation: 1) the state social welfare assistance, which has a charitable nature, provided to the categories of citizens with the absence of funds in the amount of the subsistence minimum; 2) compulsory social security of the economically active population from the risk of loss of income (wages) by special contributions from employers and employees on the principles of solidarity and mutual self-responsibility; 3) voluntary supplementary and private insurance.


institutions of social legislation, social security, social assistance, social insurance, voluntary supplementary insurance, personal insurance, disability.

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