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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Sivakov D.O. Ecological Function of State and its Financial Leverages: Comparative Legal Analysis

Abstract: The article reveals the urgent environmental challenges and state-legal response to them of modern society. The views and information of other sciences: ecology, economics and political science are presented. Ecological function of the state is given in close relationship with many other its functions. Particular attention is paid to the financial mechanism for the transition to a green economy, which should be based on non-waste production. The urgency and scale of the ecological crisis inevitably brings to life the multifaceted ecological function of the modern state. By historical standards, the ecological function is new, but its significance in today's society and the state increases day by day. By the beginning of the twenty-first century this function is a constant, which requires the carrying out of regular measures and costs. Like any function of the state, it has its own subject, content, field of activity and different ways of the impact. The differences between the state-legal impact on the ecological relationships in Russia and in neighboring Norway are determined. The experience of the BRICS countries and the European Union is given. It is pointed out that Russia still lags behind many other members of the international community in the field of protection of nature.


environmental crisis, environmental law, tax, oil policy, business entity, the owner, green investments, environmental technologies, Norway, ecological function of the state.

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