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Administrative and municipal law

Vinokurov, A.Y. On some issues regarding application of prosecutor warning on inacceptable violations of law.

Abstract: The object of studies involves the norms of the Federal Law “On Prosecution of the Russian Federation”, provisions of departmental organizational document of the Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation, legal practice and positions of scientists regarding application of the prosecutor warning on inacceptable violations of law as means of prosecutor reaction. The author analyzes various points of view on the basic characteristics revealing the legal nature of this type of act, he studies legal practice, including the practice outside the scope of direct legislative regulation, showing the defects in the legal regulation and offering the possible solutions. The position presented in this article was based upon the methods of analysis of legal practice and positions of scholars, as well as comparative legal method. The scientific novelty of the study is due to an attempt to understand and generalize the practical experience in cases of prosecutors sending officials written warning on inacceptable violations of law, it also allowed to bring together the positions of scholars mentioning this type of prosecutor reaction measures in their works. As a conclusion the author offers to introduce certain amendments into the current legislation, as well as expressing opinion on the need for legislative provisions for some efficient practical mechanisms of implementation of the said activities.


prosecution, prosecutor, prosecutor supervision, sphere of supervision, competence of a prosecutor, warning, act of reaction, official, violation of law, prevention of violations.

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