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Administrative and municipal law

Obydenova, T.V. Legal and pedagogical prophylactics in the activities of the minors affairs departments.

Abstract: The article concerns legal and organizational problems regarding prophylactic activities of the minors affairs departments, and the proposals are made for the improvement of these activities. The pedagogical prophylactics in the activities of the Minors Affairs Departments (MAD) is the system of educational influences upon the minors in the course of which the deviations in their morals and behavior are corrected and their personal qualities are formed in conformity with the social and moral norms acceptable in the society and state. Early prophylactics plays an important role for the MAD, and its objects are juveniles showing signs of moral and behavioral deviations, but who are not yet profoundly socially and pedagogically neglected in respect of their behavior, while still their behavior deviations causes concern. The methodological basis for the scientific article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). In the opinion of the author the primary direction of the MAD is early prophylactics of the unlawful behavior of minors in the process of joint pedagogical activities of teachers (heads) of schools and the staff of the Minors Affairs Divisions with due consideration for the territory in which a certain school is situated and of which the students are residents, including its economic, mental, natural, cultural, etc. specificities). It is important to start early prophylactics of the offences and crimes of minors at the start of school education both with the students and their parents. Taking into consideration the importance of early prophylactics of minors crime, it seems necessary to provide the early prophylactics as a dominant practice implemented by joint efforts of teachers (directors) of schools and Minors Af fairs Divisions staff.


police, MAD, MIA, officer, prophylactics, education, prevention, offence, children, minors.

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