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Taxes and Taxation

Orobinskaya, I. V. The Description of Taxable Capacity of Entities in the Agricultural Sector of Russia Based on the Example of the Central Black Earth Economic Region

Abstract: Efficient fulfillment and growth of taxable capacity of an agricultural sector of the Russian Federation constituents should be viewed an important factor of the dynamic development of Russian economy. The purpose of the research is to analyze taxable capacity based on the example of the Central Black Earth Economic Region. Noteworthy that over the past few years the Russian economy have been demonstrating high rates of growth of the main macroeconomic indicators which, in its turn, have increased tax revenues into the budget system of the Russian Federation and have had a positive influence on administration of the consolidated and federal budgets of the Russian Federation. According to the author, consistent development of taxable capacities of regions will encourage the growth of their financial independence and increase in the level of their social and economic growth. The methodological basis of the research consists of the fundamental concepts represented in works of Russian and foreign scientists, legislative acts, laws and regulations issued by state authorities, federal law and materials of research and practical conferences touching upon taxation of entities of Russian agricultural sector. In her research the author uses abstract-logical, monographic, statistical-economical and other methods of economic research. Results of the comparative analysis carried out by the author show that the limiting value of the fiscal burden in the agricultural sector depends not only to the amount of cumulative taxation but also on industrial productivity and financial status of a company. Industrial productivity is defined by the volume and structure of expenses, their pay-back period and profit earned which, in many ways, depend on the scope of activity performed by an entrepreneur. Consequently, the exemption limit should be defined taking into account the affiliation of economic entities to a certain branch of industry and associated objective factors such as the volume and structure of expenses and the rate of capital turnover. Therefore, if we want to encourage entrepreneurial activity in the agricultural sector it is necessary to achieve the efficient application of tax instruments. When defining the exemption limit it is necessary to take into account the cumulative fiscal burden and paying capacities of different economic entities.


taxable capacity, agricultural sector, Central Black Earth Economic Region, tax revenues, fiscal capacity, agriculture, taxes payable, VAT, profit (income) tax, single agricultural tax.

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