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Pedagogy and education

Yurchenko, A. V. Educational Startup: From an Additional University Course to the Basic Concept

Abstract: The author views the issues related to the creation of a new research and teaching department of the National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’, i.e. Institute of Security Studies, and its step-by-step development in the sphere of education. Based on the analysis of a standard educational startup and monitoring of the target audience, the author shows the paths of the development of the institute and improvement of the concept of its development taking into account conducted researches of the real sector of economy. The author explains the reasons for choosing the main target audience by the institute, ways of creating the basic educational concept and step-by-step development of the institute from an additional university course to the department of the additional professional education of experts working in the sphere of non-state security. The author of the article clearly shows that the educational activity of the aforesaid institute is being performed in the competitive environment. Therefore, for studying competitive educational strategies, the author uses the methodology of the modern market management, in particular, methodology of the startup of an educational institute on an established market of educational services. Data that has been obtained by the author since 2012 till 2014 prove that in terms of the educational startup, both products and markets are equally important. Moreover, these two categories complement and mutually determine each other. Taking into account the inconsistency of the market, it is necessary to adjust educational products to the ‘caprice’ of the market on the other hand and carry out the ‘reverse’ in􀁹luence of innovative educational programs on assigning demands of the target audience on the other hand.


startup, education, target audience, general additional course at a university, additional professional education, standards of higher education, security of entrepreneurial activity, basic concept, real sector of economy, search for an educational niche.

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