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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Muratova O.V. Conflict of Interests of the Parties Cross-Border Contractual Relations on Pre-Contractual Stage

Abstract: The article presents a comparative analysis of the legal regulation of the procedure for concluding international commercial contracts between absent parties, i.e. by giving one side of the offer and its acceptance by the other party. Various approaches to the definition of legal systems requirements and to put its review, acceptance, the time of concluding the contract. In the field of cross-border trade, such differences can generate uncertainty in the position of the contracting parties is at the very occurrence of the legal relationship between them, thus leading to undesirable conflicts and disputes, and ultimately impede the normal process of commercial negotiations. This article shall be specially-legal methods of scientific knowledge: formal-legal, historical, legal, comparative legal, structural and functional. Concludes that in international commercial practice conflict of interest associated often with conflicts of jurisdiction, which is based on differences in the legislation. Application of unification documents in this case provides a uniform regulation of international commercial transactions and contribute to the development of contract law in the context of cross-border trade exchange. Contacting international commercial practice to such documents as the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale and Principles of International Commercial Contracts (UNIDROIT), allows not only significantly mitigate legal differences in national legislations in the field of writing contracts with foreign contractors, but also eliminate the conflict interests between the parties contractual relationship.


contractual relationship, the pre-contractual period, offer, acceptance, international commercial contracts, international harmonization, the Vienna Convention, the UNIDROIT Principles, conflict of interest, conflict of jurisdiction.

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