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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Demakov R.A. Legal Features of the Preparation of Concept of the Bill and Technical Assignment for it`s Elaboration. Comparative Legal Analysis

Abstract: The studying of drafting system of concept of the bill and technical assignment is conducted in the text of article on the base of theoretical and practical data, also article includes the foreign experience analyze. Author proves the need of some optimization in modern system of bill concept drafting in executive power organs activity, by the implementation of comparative law matching the Russian acts, regulating the elaborating process of federal law concept with foreign bill elaborating systems in the meaning of creating of resemblant concepts. The analyze of items of famous Russian and foreign authors, published in periodical and monograph editions is implemented in article, it served as material for studying the scientific doctrine in the field of bill concept creating, as a part of lawmaking process at all. The detailed review of under-law act, regulating elaboration procedure of federal law project conception in the system of executive power was being conducted, on the base of it, some legal character suggestions, concerning the system of making concepts of bills improving, are described in article. Significant scientific interest in the article is aimed on legal features of technical assignment content part and also on some organizational and legal measurements of quality increasing of bill developer activity, as a subject of lawmaking process.


Government of the Russian Federation, lawmaking activities, executive power, the bill, legislative idea, concept of the bill, normative act, technical assignment, the customer, developer, optimization.

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