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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Vu Kuang Khuan, Fung Ngock Hai Trends and Main Lines of Combating Organized Crime in Vietnam

Abstract: The article examines the conditions of organized crime in Vietnam in recent years. The relevance of this article is determined by the crime situation in modern Vietnam, typical for countries in transition, when the introduction of the reform started in various areas of society is accompanied by increased organized crime, which has both national and ethnic character. The authors focused their attention on the serious growth of organized crime and general tendencies of its development, giving reasons for its spread and factors greatly complicate the practice of combating organized crime in Vietnam, as well as exploring the main activities carried out by the supreme state authorities in the fight against organized crime. The article gives a forecast of trends in the development of organized crime in Vietnam in the near future, as well as some recommended ways to eliminate this crime, which could improve the crime situation in Vietnam. All conclusions and suggestions are based on the latest statistics and detailed analysis of existing Vietnamese legal acts and others (Vietnamese and Russian) sources.


criminality, organized criminal group, criminal community, the organized crime, condition of the organized crime, organized crime tendency, organized crime counteraction, the criminality prevention, struggle against criminality, Vietnam.

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