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Taxes and Taxation
Pianova, M. V., Sarkisyan, A. G. (2014). Taxation of Luxury Items: Realities and Prospects. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 516–523.
Pianova, M. V., Sarkisyan, A. G. Taxation of Luxury Items: Realities and ProspectsAbstract: The question about introduction of luxury tax has being discussed in Russia since 2004. The need for taxation of luxury items is explained by the growing social stratification in the country. The world practice of taxation shows that the most effective achievement of social justice is promoted by taxation of the income and property of citizens. Meanwhile, the current Russian Federation system of taxation of physical entities practically doesn’t include taxation of luxury items and has no essential impact on the tax burden of wealthy citizens. Authors of the present research article describe the system of taxation of the income and property of physical entities (personal income tax, transport tax and physical entity property tax) in terms of its development and for the purpose of revealing possibilities of strengthening their regulatory function. The analysis of the foreign experience in taxation of the ‘excess income’ allows to make the conclusion about possibility of applying this taxation in Russia. The analysis of statistical data emphasizes the need for a series of measures aimed at increasing the tax load of people with high income. According to the authors, introduction of a separate tax on luxury items in Russia isn’t advisable. Moreover, some measures that prove to be successful in foreign countries are, according to the authors, unacceptable in Russia, such as financial status tax and ‘lux’ goods tax. A better option would be to add particular legal rules regarding taxation of luxury items to the current tax legislation such as the establishment of the progressive scale of personal income tax rates, replacement of property tax of physical entities with real property tax and the change in principles of transport tax calculation. Keywords: taxation of luxury items, luxury tax, excess profits, social justice, taxation of physical entities, transport tax, property of physical entities, personal income tax, progressive scale of personal income tax, social stratification.
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