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Taxes and Taxation

Aguzarova, L. A. Value-Added Tax: Problems and Prospects of Budget Tax Refund

Abstract: The author of the article provides a brief description of the value-added tax, procedure for the value-added tax refund and practical and theoretical ways of tax refund in the Russian taxation system. The author defines the main stages of value-added tax return. Value-added tax is a form of withdrawal of a part of the cost of goods, works or services to the state budget that is created at all stages of the process of producing goods, works and services and paid to the budget after the goods are sold or works and services are provided. Value-added tax is a universal consumption tax payable by all organizations and self-employed entrepreneurs producing and selling goods. The author also analyzes the structure of indirect tax revenues to the federal budget of the Russian Federation and describes the structure of the federal budget revenues according to all types of taxes and levies. The author also views the problems of VAT return from the budget and possible solutions of these problems. The author defines that the main difficulty of VAT return is caused by the complex scheme of tax legislation. Today a serious problems is an illegal value-added tax return. In particular, the author touches upon the VAT return during the export of goods by using so-called ‘fly-by-night’ companies.


value-added, tax revenues, indirect taxes, VAT refund, taxation system, tax administration, tax authorities, tax control, tax declaration, federal budget.

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