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National Security

Akopov, G.L. Hacktivism as an inalienable element of modern information warfare.

Abstract: Politically oriented computer hackers became more active due to the tensions in the political situation in Ukraine. The author studies the activities of hacktivists (cyber-terrorists) in the opposition between Russia and the West. The author analyzes illegal actions of computer hackers and political consequences of the results of their activities. The author also generalized the newest experience of applying cyber-weapons for the political goals and within the context of information warfare in the international opposition. The author describes the methods for fighting cyberterrorism and political hacktivism, taking into account foreign theoretical and practical experience in the sphere of fighting cyber-terrorism and hacktivism. The methodological basis for the study is predefined on one hand with its character, and on the other hand with the conceptual approach and scientific position of the author. Special attention is paid to the content-analysis of the mass media. The defining historical principles are on one hand: objectivity, systemic character, comprehensive evaluation, historicism. In the process of study it was revealed that there are new means and methods of information opposition in political conflicts and local wars. There are growing real threats of cyber-wars especially when there is an involvement of organized groups of cyber-terrorists, which are lead by the special services or various extremist organizations.


network warfare, cyber-threat, cyber-activism, political Internet, Internet and politics, cyber-security, cyber-terrorism, hacktivism, cyber-armed forces, information warfare.

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