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National Security

Kuznetsova, E.I. On the issue of state strategic planning within the economic national security guarantees.

Abstract: Formation of the system of national security administration taking into account both tactical and strategic goals should guarantee more than just protection from appearing (existing) threats, but also forecasting, prevention and prophylactics of internal and external threats for the sake of guaranteeing sustainable development of the society. Accordingly, one of the main principles of strategic planning should be interdependency of the measures of social development and economic security guarantees. That is why it seems unreasonable to depart from consecutive development and reflection in the legislative acts of the issues of strategic planning for the needs of national security. Interdependency of sustainable development and economic security guarantee requires scientific substantiation of strategic decisions, as well as studies of the strategic planning issues. The article defines the need for the formation of the state strategic planning system, defining the interdependency between the measures for social and economic development of the Russian Federation and economic security guarantees, allowing to abolish the defects, which currently lead to disparities among the forces and means for national security guarantee, allowing to concentrate the efforts at the security directions currently reaching and going beyond crisis markers.


threats, doctrine, economic security, guarantees, strategic planning, state, system, protection, criteria.

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