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Police activity

Chvyakin, V.A. Sociological studies of adaptivity and moral normativity of behavior of deviant juveniles.

Abstract: The article contains results of the studies of the phenomenon of social aggression in juvenile age. Special role within this phenomenon belongs to the infl uence of various signifi cant (so-called personality- forming factors. That is why omissions in developing psychological and pedagogical work with children inevitably determine manifestation of personal aggression. The social genesis of personality of a juvenile person involves specifi c values of the forms of social, biological and individual-personal behavior determinants. The psychological characteristics of a personality and its statuses in the process of social genesis are fl exible and inconstant. That is why there may be disruptions in the process of formation of aggressive behavior patterns. There are initial characteristics in this process, and they may be called “pre-deviant”. The relevant personal qualities are social matters, personal qualities or social situations, which detonate the normal process of personal develop and threaten its harmonic maturing. It should be taken into account that the processes of social genesis and socialization are methodologically related, since they are simultaneously directed at the formation of personal individuality. The methodological basis for the scientifi c article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The need to study forensic aspects of juvenile crime is due to many social causes. Firstly, there is importance and large scale of protection of live and health of growing generation and the formation of the state policy on protection of rights and lawful interests of children and juveniles, forming and independent direction of the activities of the state bodies and society in general. Secondly, there are specifi c features in genesis and motivation of the crimes committed by juveniles, which are due to the specifi c features of their living and education (relatively limited period of personality formation, changeability of social positions, range and contents of social functions, limited legal capacity, etc.), specifi c features of personal, social-group related, psychological and other characteristics. Thirdly, the specifi c features of level and structure of crime, its causes and dynamics, high criminal activity of juveniles are due to the above.


offence, police, delict, genesis, teenager, juvenile, warning, legal order, control, offi cer.

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