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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Laptev, V.A. The system of sources of entrepreneurial law

Abstract: The studies of the system of sources of entrepreneurial law allows to define the place of the branch of law within the system of law, as well as to analyze the norms regulating entrepreneurial activities and economics as a whole. The author offers to single out three historical periods: pre-Soviet, Soviet, and modern (post-Soviet), providing their brief characteristics. He offers to understand the system of sources of entrepreneurial law as the combination of forms of entrepreneurial law (elements of the system), which are coordinated and connected among themselves with the unity of the object of legal regulation – economic activity. The author singles out the characteristic features of the system: structural character, co-subordination, coordination, relevance, interconnection and unity. The system of sources of entrepreneurial law may be divided into international and domestic parts of national law. The author notes the tendency for the harmonization of the Russian entrepreneurial law with the international law, which is among other matter is influenced by the participation of Russia in the WTO, the EurAsEC and the Customs Union. The author offers to distinguish the sources of entrepreneurial law on the territorial basis into international, federal, regional, municipal and local territorial levels. He notes the dependency of the modern law and economics.


entrepreneurial law, branch of entrepreneurial law, system of entrepreneurial law, sources of entrepreneurial law, forms of entrepreneurial law, system of sources of law, classification of sources of law, form of law, systematization of the entrepreneurial law, codification.

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