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Administrative and municipal law

Agamagomedova, S.A. Procedure for the activities of the customs bodies of the Russian Federation in the sphere of protection of intellectual property rights and its optimization in the modern conditions.

Abstract: The customs bodies of the Russian Federation have certain amount of competence in the sphere of protection of intellectual property rights. The procedure for the activities of the customs bodies within the administrative mechanism for the protection of intellectual rights is regulated both at legislative and institutional levels. The article concerns the changes in the procedures established for these measures by the customs bodies taking into account the development of modern integration processes. Additionally, the author views the issues of interaction between the Federal Customs Service and the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent) within the framework of guaranteeing rights of the authors and title holders of relevant rights. The main method for the study was analysis of the latest amendments in the procedure for the activities of the customs bodies within the administrative mechanism for the intellectual property protection. As a specific recommendation the author offers to widen the scope of existing interdepartmental cooperation at the stage of customs declaration and the procedure of inclusion of the intellectual property object into the customs register. The author also has established the cases when the customs bodies do not take measures aimed at interception of the production of goods, which have elements of counterfeit, while evaluating some aspects of judicial practice on the cases of illegal use of trademarks by the natural persons in international post packages. The author pays attention to the possibility for the implementation of the additional competence of the tax bodies in the sphere of intellectual property protection within the framework of the ex officio principle. The author also provides the comparative analysis of legal mechanisms in Russia and in the Republic of Belarus. Evaluation of the existing procedure for the measures of the customs bodies for the protection of intellectual property rights allows one to draw a conclusion that there is a sustainable tendency for the unification of administrative procedures in the sphere of protection of intellectual property rights at both national and supranational (regional) levels.


customs bodies, intellectual property objects, customs register, procedure, release of goods, title holder, declaratory, Rospatent, interdepartmental cooperation, the Customs Union.

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