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Administrative and municipal law

Nobel, A.R. Authenticity as a necessary characteristic feature of evidence used in administrative jurisdictional process.

Abstract: The article concerns characteristic features of evidence in the administrative offences cases, the author substantiates the position that authenticity is a necessary legal quality of evidence along with its relevance and admissibility, characterizing the elements of its nature. Stating authenticity, relevance and admissibility of evidence manifests the formation of evidence as a legal category and possibility for its use in the legal process in order to establish the circumstances, which are relevant for the case. The article singles out the interrelation between authenticity and admissibility, specific features of checking authenticity at various stages of the proceedings in an administrative offence case. The methodological basis for the studies involves general scientific methods (dialectic material, analysis, and synthesis) and specific scientific methods ( systemic-structural, comparative legal, statistical, formal legal) scientific cognition methods. The article includes definition of the terms: characteristic features of evidence, authenticity, relevance and admissibility of evidence. Based upon the study the author makes a conclusion that only the combination of formal examination and free evaluation at various stages of cognition may guarantee adequate studies of the authenticity of the evidence. The first stage of examination is evaluation of procedural form, and the second includes analysis of the contents of the evidence in order to establish the logical propriety, clarity and comprehensive character of the provided data.


evidence, characteristic features of evidence, qualities of evidence, nature of evidence, relevance of evidence, admissibility of evidence, authenticity of evidence, evaluation of evidence, proof, definition of evidence.

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