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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Slavgorodskaya, O.A. Komissarov: life vector

Abstract: On March 14, 2014 Vladimir Ivanovich Komissarov celebrated his 75th anniversary. V.I. Komissarov is Doctor of Law, Professor, Merited Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Merited Worker of Higher Education of Russia. The article contains the story of his youth in the hard post-War years, his studies at the Law School of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, his work in the prosecution bodies of the Saratov region. The main landmark of his professional life was his work in the Saratov Law Institute named after D. I. Kursky (Saratov State Academy of Law, Saratov State Law Academy). He was a lecturer, an Associate Professor, a Professor of the Department of Forensic Studies, Vice-Rector on Teaching Issues, for over a decade he was the chairman of the Department of Methodology of Forensic Studies. He is the author of several monographs, manuals and numerous articles on topical problems of forensic studies. For a long time he was the head of the Dissertation Council of the Saratov State Law Academy, and he was a member of the Dissertation Councils of the Voronezh, Krasnodar and Samara State Universities. He has been the scientific advisor for 3 Doctors of Law and 20 PhDs in Law.


V.I. Komissarov, forensic studies, lecturer, professor, forensic tactic, lawfulness, ethics of preliminary investigation, scientific works, path in science, professionalism, charisma.

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