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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Chernyadieva, N.A. The Westphalian Peace Treaty: the problems of fighting the emerging terrorism

Abstract: Research is done with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Sciences Foundation within the framework of the scientific research project (“Stages of the Formation of Universal Standards and Approaches in Fighting International Terrorism”), project N. 14-03-00128. The Westphalian Peace Treaty laid the foundation for the formation of the modern international sphere. It formed the fundamentals (principles) of the international law. The article is devoted to establishing the historical factors involved in the Westphalian Treaty, which facilitated formation of the international terrorism. The object of studies was the process of formation and development of the international public law for the purpose of defining the legal norms and principles, that allowed for the terrorism to enter the international level. The study is based upon the primary sources: the texts of two treaties, which are united by the title of the Westphalian Peace Treaty. The article contains comprehensive interdisciplinary studies, that is why, the author applied comparative legal and comparative historical methods. Taking into account the specific features of scientific research, which is aimed at revealing similarities in differences in social and political matter of predecessors and companions of terrorism. The applied principle of historicism allowed to follow the starting stage, when the conditions for the terrorism have formed in the international sphere. The author also used diachronic comparison in order to find prerequisites for the terrorism in the international reality, and the synchronic comparison in order to find out general, specific and singular features in the evaluation of terrorism in various states, viewing them as an embodiment of heritage of the Westphalian Treaty. For the first time the Westphalian Treaty is analyzed as a primary basis for the global legal order and a historical prerequisite for the current international security crisis. It is shown that the Westphalian Treaties (Munster and Osnabruck Treaties) provide for the principles of sovereignty and equality of states, double standards in foreign policy, legalization of wars as means of foreign policy, the Treaties define the range of subjects of international law, providing for the monopoly of states for legalized violence.


international terrorism, principles of international law, Westphalian Treaty, conditions and prerequisites, sovereignty, principles of equality, subjects of international law, violence, history of international law, international security.

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