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Actual problems of Russian law

Fedorova, E.P. Public order in Russian and French law: comparative analysis. Public economic order

Abstract: The article includes the comparative legal aspect of analysis of the specific features of formation of the public order concept in Russian and French legal systems, leading to various approaches and various position of this concept within them. The author makes a conclusion that the public order concept, while being initially formed as domestic concept, gained a character of a general legal principle of the French law, being recognized as a fundamental legal category within all branches of law. At the same time, in the Russian legal system this concept is only developed within the framework of the international private law. The said specificities influence the formation of the legal constructions for the certain types of legal order, namely, the category of public economic order, which is not known to the Russian legal science. The author offers to provide a historical overview of the specific features of the formation of this category in the French law, as well as the changes, which it is currently going through.


public economic order, French law, comparative law, international private law, public order, fundamental principles of law, neoliberalism, the European contract law, autonomy of will.

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