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Actual problems of Russian law

Grib, V.V. Protection of rights of minority shareholders in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The object of studies in this article includes the means for the protection of rights of minority shareholders, which are currently being applied in the Russian Federation. This issue is topical due to the large concentration of capital in the Russian joint stock companies. Therefore, there are minority shareholders in many Russian joint stock companies. The article concerns the means of protection according to the Russian legislation, and the author also provides evaluation of efficiency and sufficiency of existing means of protection of minority shareholders. While writing this article the author used the following methods: systemic method, comparative method, formal legal method and comparative legal method. While studying the protection of rights of minority shareholders the author made the following conclusions. Firstly, currently there is no legal definition of minority shareholders in the Russian legislation. Secondly, currently the minority shareholders do not have any means of protection of their rights via the arbitration tribunals. Thirdly, in spite of the absence of legal definition of a “minority shareholder” in the Russian legislation and some other shortcomings, the Russian legislation provides for rather many mechanisms for the protection of rights of minority shareholders.


minority shareholders, joint stock company, bodies of a joint stock company, means of protection of a right, administrative protection of a rights, judicial protection of a right, internal corporate protection of rights, mediation, arbitrability of corporate disputes, repurchase of shares.

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