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Actual problems of Russian law

Okolyosnova, O.A. Disclosure of the information as the form of guaranteeing access to the information of public interest

Abstract: The information which is of interest for the public should be available to it. The main owners of such information are state government and municipal bodies. Disclosure of information of public interest is an obligation of the relevant bodies, unless access to it is limited by law. By these means the right of citizens to access information is being guaranteed. This right is at the basis of the social control and the right to participate in managing the affairs of the state. By comparative analysis of the provisions of normative legal acts on regulation of the procedures of social control and information disclosure, the author provides the study of the right to access the information as the legal basis for the social control. The specific features of the definition of “disclosure of the information”, its role in the information turnover allows to make a conclusion on the need for the normative provisions for this term. The author also offers the definition of “public interests” as a criterion for the disclosure of the information and the basis for the public control.


disclosure of the information, right to information, public control, social interest, open data, information openness, provision of information, spreading information, public hearings, information system.

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