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Taxes and Taxation
Chistova, N. A., Kozhanchikov, O. I.
Directions for Improvement of Transport Taxation
// Taxes and Taxation.
2014. ¹ 4.
P. 355-366.
Chistova, N. A., Kozhanchikov, O. I. Directions for Improvement of Transport TaxationAbstract: In the last few years the question about reformation of the transport tax has been discussed quite often. The authors of the present research article study the federal and regional legislation regulating the procedure for tax collection, analyze the problems and contradictions in the method of tax calculation and payment, describe disadvantages of the existing system of transport taxation, determine the reasons of this system being inefficient and prove the contradiction of the existing transport tax to the basic taxation principles. Moreover, the authors touch upon the flow of tax revenues into the consolidated budget and compare it to changes in the number of taxpayers and taxable units, i.e. transport vehicles in our case. The authors study the applicable legislation regulating the procedure for tax collection and analyze statistical data on transport tax revenues into the budget over the last three years compared to the number of taxpayers and taxable units. The authors discuss alternatives to reformation of transport taxation and make a conclusion about what would be the best solution of the problems and contradictions in today’s legislation and the method of transport tax collection. The authors also suggest to establish a new system of transport tax collection and describe the principles this system should be based o in Russia. They also predicts the economic benefit from introducing the aforesaid system of transport taxation. Keywords: transport tax, federal legislation, contradiction to the law, tax differentiation, taxable base, environmental tax, fiscal revenues, prospects of reformation, method of calculation, tax units, taxable events.
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