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Philosophy and Culture

Zhukovsky, V. I. Visual Thinking in the Process of Creating Artwork

Abstract: The article is devoted to the visual thinking as an aspect of the synthetic thinking capable of changing and expressing actual relations through their visualization in art work. The author studies cognitive potentials and functions of the visual thinking allowing to understand the nature of the process of thinking in art. The author proves that in the process of creation of art work, an artist can change the art material that has the ‘primary’ sense into the art work that has the ‘secondary’ sense by using his visual thinking and skills. In order to describe the essence and nature of the visual thinking, the author of the article used empiric and theoretical methods of researching interrelated problems such as tendencies of evolution of art, nature of art creative process, artistic and expressive aspects of the art image. The author establishes that the visual thinking allows the artist to express his idea in an integrated image and the product of such creative work gains a cultural value. The author also underlines the importance and topicality of this research. According to the author, audo-visual culture is becoming an essential part of our being and the development of higher levels of visual thinking can create rich and full art images.


visual thinking, art work, the process of creation of artwork, artist, rational, sensual, cognitive functions, visual expression, language.

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