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Philosophy and Culture
Lopatkin, G. V.
Economic Culture as the Object of Philosophical Reflection
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. ¹ 4.
P. 519-524.
Lopatkin, G. V. Economic Culture as the Object of Philosophical ReflectionAbstract: The author of the article analyzes economic culture as an object of social and philosophical reflection. Based on the legacy of classical philosophers, the author tries to define the nature of interaction between cultural and economic spheres of social life and describe this interaction as an individual branch of social reality. This becomes possible after the author explains the distinction between culture and economy and emphasizes economic culture as the connecting link between culture and economy. The author also describes functions of the esthetical in culture and touches upon the origin of the myth and ritual as well as their role in the genesis of religion and their connection with the public production. Moreover, the author describes the nature of values, their connection with labor and material and spiritual displays. The results of the author’s research prove the economic approach to have its own limits and therefore not allowing to take into account all the variety of determinants of the economic relations in a society. The author also emphasizes the need for philosophical reflection in solving economic issues. Keywords: economic culture, values, production, labor, experience, esthetic, economics, life, spirit, harmonization.
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