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Police activity

Astishina, T.V. Key determining factors for the crimes against public morality.

Abstract: The article concerns the key determining factors for the crimes against the public morality (involvement of a person into prostitution, organization of prostitution activities). The author analyzes social, economic, legal, moral and spiritual determining factors for the crimes against public morality, as well as negative consequences of migration, defects in the family sphere, activities of criminal groups, defects in the work of internal affairs bodies fighting this category of crime. It is noted in the article that among the social and economic determining factors for the crimes against public morality one should point out the unsatisfactory economic situation in some social groups (poor financial situation in some social groups, unemployment, especially among the women, etc.). The methodological basis for the scientific article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). In most cases it is impossible to clearly distinguish between the initiating and facilitating factors for the criminal acts. The author agrees with the opinion that evaluation of some matters as causes and other matters as conditions is rather relative. A specific matter may be a cause in one situation, and a condition in another. That is why it is reasonable to use the term “criminogenic factor”, which may include both events causing crimes against public morality and the matters facilitating their spread or growth of their public danger. In spite of a large amount of scientifically founded classifications of factors in crime and its types, the modern research practice clearly provides support for bringing together the groups of causes and conditions of crime, which are similar by their nature, into the factor (causal) complexes based upon the criterion of a separate sphere of social life, which may mostly include the following factors: economic, legal, spiritual and moral, social and psychological, organizational, etc.


prostitution, violence, children, fight, counteraction, determinant, police, officer, exploitation, slavery.

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