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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Podolnyi, N.A. System of principles of criminal judicial procedure as a system of moral values

Abstract: The article concerns the issue of moral values of criminal judicial procedure in Russia. Attention is paid to the interrelation between the principles of criminal process and moral values prevailing in a society. It is stated that the system of principles of criminal process is a type of a projection of the system of moral values of the society upon the justice. The author analyzes the system of principles of criminal process, and the conclusion is made that in various historical periods society and state paid special attention to certain principles. These principles were best suitable for reflecting the moral needs of the society at the time. Additionally, they represented reaction of the society to a certain law-enforcement practice, which did not correspond with the moral ideas in the society. However, the author of this article supports the view that in spite of its great importance of certain principles for society and state at times, they are all necessary in order for justice to be fair, and they should be observed very scrupulously.


criminal judicial proceedings, principles of criminal process, system of moral values, justice, fairness, truth, presumption of innocence, parties to criminal judicial proceedings, defense advocate, court.

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