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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Fadeev, V.I. Local self-government in Russia: historical experience and modern practice of legal regulation

Abstract: The article concerns the problems of improvement of the system of municipal self-government in the modern Russia taking into account the historic experience of organization and activities of the land and city self-government in the pre-Revolution Russia as well as local government in the Soviet period of development of the Russian statehood. Attention is paid to the need to clarify the conceptual bases for the local selfgovernment taking into consideration the modern practice of implementation of its constitutional model. The following aspects require additional conceptual development: “general principles of organization of municipal self-government”, “local issues”, “development of municipal democracy”, “financial and economic independency of municipal self-government”, “correlation and interrelation of the principles of federalism and local self-government”, “role of municipal self-government in the protection of public order”, etc. They should find their legislative representation in the new Federal Law “On the general principles of organization of municipal self-government”. As it is pointed out in the article, this goal was de-facto set by the President of the Russian Federation in his Address to the Federal Assembly of December 12, 2013.


jurisprudence, local self-government, the Land Reform, the Address of the President, the general principles of organization, spheres of competence, competence of municipal self-government, municipal democracy, public government, civil law.

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1. Rossiyskaya gazeta. ¹ 282. 13 dekabrya 2013 g. (Zdes' i dalee ispol'zuetsya SPS «Konsul'tantPlyus»)
2. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. 1998. ¹ 36. St.4466.