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Philosophy and Culture

Rozin, V. M. Formation of the Ancient Thinking Methodological, Phenomenological, Technological and Institutional Aspects

Abstract: The author of the article offers a new outlook on the process of ancient thinking formation. The novelty of the research is that the author tries to show that from the very beginning, thinking has had both methodological and phenomenological aspect, although the latter were not understood specifically due to the fact that philosophical disciplines were formed only in the culture of the Early Modern Period. Moreover, the author of the present article suggests that we should view Aristotle’s rules and thinking categories as the creation of some kind of the intellectual technology as well as the first attempt to design the institution of thinking. The author substantiates his new views on ancient thinking based on the analysis of the genesis and development of ancient philosophy as well as the description Parmenides’, Plato’s and Aristotle’s views. Noteworthy that the author shows that the concept of thinking introduced by Parmenides was nothing else but the image of the intellectual path and discussion of certain criteria showing whether the path was correct or not. After him Plato and Aristotle discussed how to put the idea into life and convey the solution (method) to others. Solution of the aforesaid problems results in creation of the concept of the ancient thinking.


cogitation (thinking), methodology, phenomenology, technology, institution, reasoning, knowledge, personality, rules, categories.

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