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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich, P. S. Theodor Adorno’s ‘Sad Science’

Abstract: The present article is devoted to the philosophy and creative work by Theodor Adorno. In 2011 the book ‘The Jargon of Authenticity’ written by the leading member of the Frankfurt School was published. The book was first published in Germany half a century ago and today the author of the present article tries to reveal the nature of Theodor Adorno’s ‘sad science’. The book presents a philosophical tradition named the ‘critical theory of ideology’. Adorno shows that ideology exists in particular forms that are called by intelligentsia and others by common jargon terms. These terms are used in teaching and at people’s universities and youth unions. Ideological jargon is standardized. However, it is also the language that seems to be ‘not for everyone’. People tend to be attracted to the feeling of belonging to these or those intellectual traditions rather than to the meaning of terms. In his research article the author uses different methods. First of all, he uses the historical method that allows him to describe the creative work by Theodor Adorno as a complete phenomenon. At the same time, the author also uses the phenomenological method that allows him to reveal the deep philosophical core of Adorno’s works. Hermeneutic method also allows to analyze the above mentioned form of ideology that reveals itself in hidden forms. The novelty of the article is the description of Adorno’s works as the ‘sad science’. Criticism of established forms of social communication implies the proof that these forms of social communication are void. The author of the article shows that jargon has a rather dynamic nature and reflects a rather negative spirit of those times as just serving certain social purposes.


philosophy, social studies, esthetics, culture, Adorno, dialectics, ideology, power, jargon, embodiment.

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