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Actual problems of Russian law

Ryabinina, T.K. Influence of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864 on the current legal regulation of the stage of assigning a trial

Abstract: The object of studies in this article concerns the combination of criminal procedural norms regulating the issues regarding the proceedings on a criminal case at the stage of assigning a trial, judicial and investigative practice as well as scientific studies, concepts and views regarding this issue. Based upon the analysis of the past and present legal regulation of the said procedural institution, the author substantiates the meaning, specific goals and specific features of the decisions, as well as additional guarantees of the protection of rights and lawful interests of the participants of the criminal procedural activities. The article involves the following methods: general scientific method, dialectic method of cognition, comparative legal method, comparative historic method, systemic method, analysis and synthesis, observation and description. The scientific novelty of this article is due to its goal, immediate goals and specific features of the approach towards the issues defining the nature and proceedings at the stage of assigning a judicial hearing. The article includes results of the historical study of a theoretical model of aforementioned stage. The author reveals new patterns and perspectives of further development of the procedural institution in question, substantiating the need to recognize this stage as an efficient mean of judicial control over the lawfulness of the pre-trial proceedings.


judicial, reform, commit for trial, Charter, criminal, judicial proceedings, stage, assigning, judicial, hearing.

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