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Actual problems of Russian law

Nazarov, A.D. Use of the legal constructions of the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of the Russian Empire in the modern criminal process at the pre-trial stages in order to guarantee the compliance with the principle of lawfulness by the means of judicial control and prosecutor supervision

Abstract: The article concerns the key problems of implementation of judicial control and prosecutor supervision at the pre-trial stages of criminal process within the framework of comparison between the modern model and the model of activities of court and prosecutor according to the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864. The author analyzes the roles of court, prosecutor and investigator in taking an accused into custody, presenting him with the accusation and formation of the written accusation, then transferring an accused to a court. The author pays special attention to the figures of judicial investigator and prosecutor and their interactions with the court. By holding historical studies, the author gained conclusions on the model of activities of judicial investigator, prosecutor and court in the Russian Federation. Having generalized the positive historical experience and the modern situation in the Russian criminal process, the author analyzes the possible options for overcoming the existing problems in criminal judicial proceedings in order to improve its efficiency. Finally, the author substantiates the need to introduce the position of an investigating judge into the Russian criminal process in order to guarantee judicial control at the pre-trial stages. Additionally, the author considers that it is a prosecutor who should form written accusation, act and resolution at the end of the preliminary investigation and to present them to the investigation judge when an accused is committed to trial.


criminal process, judicial control, prosecutor supervision, investigating judge, committing to trial, accusation, judicial investigator, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, prosecutor, taking into custody.

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