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Actual problems of Russian law

Panokin, A.M. Grounds for the appeals on the judgment according to the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864

Abstract: The article provides the study of the system of appeals to the judicial decisions, which appeared in the pre-Revolution Russia due to the judicial reform of 1860s. The author studies the grounds for the appeals review of the judicial decisions of justices of peace and district courts, prior to their entry into force (non-final decisions). The grounds for appeal are divided into procedural and material legal ones. Special attention is paid to the types of decisions of the court of appeals. The author provides comparative legal characteristics of the grounds for the appeals and the causes (bases) for termination of final decisions via cassation. The article uses decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate, scientific works of the pre-Revolution scholars and legal practitioners (I.Y. Foynitskiy, S.Y. Viktorskiy, V.K. Sluchevskiy, L.Y. Tauber). The author draws a conclusion on the results of the reform of judicial appeals of 1864 and the possibility of use of its experience in the current reforms of the Russian criminal judicial procedure.


judicial reform, the Charter of Criminal Judicial Proceedings of 1864, appeals, challenging the decision of a court on a criminal case, grounds for appeal, procedural grounds, material legal grounds, review of a judicial case, grounds for cassation review, court of appeals.

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