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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gayvoronskaya, A. A. Socio-Synergetic Approach to the Model of Ethnic Extremism

Abstract: The author of the article makes an attempt to describe the probable model of ethnic extremism from the point of view of the socio-synergetic approach. The author of the present research article had different reasons to study ethnic extremism from the point of view of the socio-synergetic approach. The first group of her reasons includes the processes that are going on in the society and government now. The second group of reasons is caused by the multiplicity of characteristics, types and forms of this phenomenon. In particular, synergetic methods apply to studying systems (phenomena) consisting of a great number of elements (forms or characteristics), components and subsystems. To describe the synergetic model of ethnic extremism, the author of the article analyzes social images describing this phenomenon. Research methods used by the author include: association method, content analysis and semantic differential followed by the creation of mental maps. The scientific importance of the research is the description of the probable model of ethic extremism made by the researcher based on the socio-synergetic approach. Conclusions: the model offered by the author allows to describe the essential characteristics of the aforesaid phenomenon, in particular, intolerance, terror, dogmatism and nihilism as the factor structure of ethnic extremism. The contents of these factors reflect only subjective concepts of ethnic extremism and of course, these concepts can only partly model the phenomenon. The author makes an assumption that this model allows to describe ethnic extremism by the means of particular features typical for socio-synergetic systems.


socio-synergetic model, ethnic extremism, social images, intolerance, terror, dogmatism, nihilism, semantic differential, factors.

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