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Administrative and municipal law

Kurakin, A.V. Administrative jurisdictional activities of the police: theoretical issues.

Abstract: The article concerns theoretical issues of administrative jurisdictional activities of the police, revealing its specific features, object and mechanism of its implementation. The article concerns jurisdictional activities of the police in its narrow interpretation, and it mostly concerns the proceedings on administrative offence cases in the police bodies. Additionally, the article provides for the definition and characteristics of elements of the administrative offence, with its analysis regarding its application in police activities. The article also discusses the constituent elements of an administrative offence, its subjective and objective elements. Based on the above-mentioned matters the author makes proposals for the improvement of organization and implementation of the proceedings on administrative offences case in police bodies. The methodological basis for the work was formed by the modern achievements of the cognitive theory. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). Administrative jurisdictional activities of the internal affairs bodies is a constituent part of administrative, or to put it more exactly, administrative procedural activities of the internal affairs bodies. The administrative jurisdiction plays an important role within the contents of administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies. These activities are varied and complicated and its law-enforcement potential is aimed at the protection of rights and freedoms of persons, guarantees of rule of law in the sphere of internal affairs. In the course of these activities, the legislation on administrative offences is being implemented.


police, jurisdiction, proceedings, control, process, stage, participant, elements, offence, responsibility.

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