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Software systems and computational methods

Bakanova N. B., Usmanova I. V. Automated education information system “Archives cooperation”

Abstract: to help graduates acquire knowledge and skills required for gaining social mobility and stability in the labor market it is helpful to complement traditional techniques of teaching with interactive forms of educational activities. The processes of interactions between archival institutions on different levels became the subject of study presented in this article. The author suggests automated information system “Archive cooperation” for lecturing 034700 “Records management and archivistics” bachelors course. This system allows to simulate all main processes of archival institutions documental interactions at different levels: governmental, municipal, departmental. The research was performed by analyzing normative legal basis regulating archive activities and processes of documentary interactions of archive institutions. The novelty of the research is in developed automated informational education system, that simulates revealed processes of archive interactions and allows to apply interactive forms of educational activities. The important feature of presented system is the presence of a variety of reference materials, including semantic network allowing to trace logical relations between separate concepts in the field of study and to increase the test efficiency. In conclusion the authors state that use of the developed system in learning process has allowed to increase the effectiveness of teaching students.


document, acquisition, fonds, archive, testing, information system, automation, expert audit team, semantic network, document keywords

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