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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Mashoshina, A. A. The Role of Personal Creativity in Building One’s Life Path (Methodological Aspects)

Abstract: The author of this research article offers her own research method for studying the relation between peculiarities of one’s subjective picture of life path and personal creativity for the purpose of developing recommendations on how to train successful, in a wise sense, personalities. The first stage of developing such a method was to form a group of respondents to be tested. The main idea was to analyze relations between creativity peculiarities and the subjective picture of life path demonstrated by successful respondents. The second stage was to select the methods of testing respondents. Based on tests selected, the author has prepared an easy to fill in questionnaire and detailed instructios. In other words, the main idea was to statistically generalize the experience of successful (and, consequently, creative) personalities in building their life paths. In order to make respondents give honest answers to the questions, the author has undertaken certain measures to keep their answers confidential.


methods, subjective picture of life path, creativity, personal creativity, divergent thinking, significant event, success, biographic questionnaire, cause-consequence analysis, purpose analysis.

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