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Actual problems of Russian law

Kostin, A.A. The problem of prejudicial effect of the decisions of international commercial arbitrations in the legislation of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article concerns the definition of the “prejudicial effect” as a quality of a judicial act upon its entry into force, according to which the facts established by a judicial act are binding when other cases with the same parties are being adjudicated. Special attention is paid to the prejudicial effect of the decisions of international commercial arbitrations. Based upon the practice of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (Ruling of the SAC of the Russian Federation N. VAS-17458/11), the author comes to a conclusion that the decisions international commercial arbitrations and the decisions of the state arbitration (commercial) courts have the same legal force according to the interpretation of the SAC of the RF of the Art. III of the New York Convention of 1958. Since the decisions of international commercial arbitrations have equal legal force the article contains a conclusion on the presence of prejudicial force of the decisions of international commercial arbitrations, since prejudicial force is an inalienable quality of a judicial act, which came into force. The conclusion on the presence of the prejudicial force of the decisions of the arbitral tribunal is supported by the reference to the decision of the ECHR in a case of Ates Mimarlik Mühendislik A.S v. Turkey.


international commercial arbitration, prejudicial force, the SAC of the Russian Federation, the ECHR, arbitration agreement, legal certainty, arbitration process, s state arbitration courts, the New York Convention, the ad hoc arbitral tribunal.

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