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Philology: scientific researches

Masloboeva, O.D. The Phenomenon of Daniil Andreev: the Problem of the Russian Mind

Abstract: The main concepts presented by Daniil Andreev in his works are viewed in terms of the co-creativity of Russian organicists and cosmists as the branch of philosophy that reflects special features of the Russian mind in the better and most comprehensive way. Noteworthy that the historically ‘younger’ age of the Russian culture compared to the ‘older’ East and West caused the main singularity of our mentality including the unity, universal values and the civic consciousness of the Russian spirit. The results of the research undertaken by the author shows that Daniil Andreev’s creativity is a completely new level of the development of Russian cosmism under the tragic conditions of the Russian history in the second half of XXth century. The research is based on the hermeneutic analysis of Daniil Andreev’s texts as well as works written by Russian organicists and cosmists between XVIIIth and XIXth centuries and during the first half of XXth century. Effective analysis tools used by the author are based on the principles of dialectical methodology including the principles of selfdevelopment, self-contradictoriness, general reference, determinism and unity of the world. The author also describes the genesis of the Russian cosmism as the result of organicism and special features of the Russian mentality. She also describes the main principles including the principles of the generality of life, integrity, active approach to the integrated natural and social body, naturality, harmony and antinomicity of existence and cogitation. These principles create the theory and methods of finding the alternative to apocalypse between self-destruction and revival of the mankind at a completely new level of existence. The results of research allow to define necessary and sufficient conditions for implementation of the aforesaid alternative. These conditions are discussed in religious, philosophical and scientific branches of Russian cosmism as well as at the new level developed by Daniil Andreev.


Russian mind, Russian organicism, Russian cosmism, the principle of the generality of life, the principle of integrity, the principle of naturality, the principle of the active approach, the principle of harmony, the principle of antinomicity, alternative to apocalypse.

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