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Administrative and municipal law

Agamagomedova, S.A. Characteristics of customs services provided with in the framework of copyright guarantees by customs bodies

Abstract: The article provides characteristics of customs services provided by the customs bodies within the framework of its copyright protection function. Distinguishing the terms “state function” and “state service”, the author singles out the system of customs services (general and specific) within the implementation of copyright protection by the customs bodies. Such services include consulting and provision of information by customs bodies, maintaining the customs register of copyright objects and a number of customs procedures. Efficient implementation of the said function of the customs bodies in the sphere of protection of copyright objects is based upon the combination of the special and general services to the customers, who are first of all the holders of exclusive titles to copyright objects.


customs bodies, customs services, functions of customs bodies, customers for customs services, customs register, information, consulting, administrative regulation, quality of customs services, copyright object.

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