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Administrative and municipal law

Kabanov, P.A. The competence of specialized regional advisory anti-corruption bodies in the sphere of information support for the formation and implementation of state policy for fighting corruption: analysis of legal regulation and some directions for its improvement.

Abstract: The object of this study includes: a) key provisions of the regional by-law normative legal acts regulating the activities of specialized regional advisory, coordinative, expert, consultative, inter-departmental anti-corruption bodies (councils and commissions on fighting corruption) in the sphere of information support for the state policy against corruption at the regional level; b) key forms and means of information support of state policy against corruption at the regional level, as provided for in the normative legal acts; c) main measures aimed at the improvement of legal regulation of the information support of the state policy against corruption at the regional level. The author uses comparative legal method as the main scientific study method, and it is used to analyze the activities of specialized regional advisory anti-corruption bodies together with the general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that for the first time in the Russian legal the author evaluates legal regulation of the activities of the specialized regional advisory anti-corruption bodies in the sphere of information guarantees of the state policy against corruption. The main conclusions are as follows: the author offers measures for the improvement of legal regulation of the activities of the specialized regional advisory anti-corruption bodies, which include formation of the regional anti-corruption information policy; monitoring of efficiency of the information support system for the regional anti-corruption policy; development of proposals on the improvement of the system of information support of the regional anti-corruption policy.


corruption, fighting corruption, anti-corruption propaganda, anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption advertisement, anti-corruption agitation, anti-corruption information, information policy, state policy, information support.

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