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Administrative and municipal law

Nobel, A.R. Material legal and procedural values of the characteristic features of an administrative offence as one of the elements to be proven in administrative offence cases (based on examples of environmental cases).

Abstract: A significant share of environmental offences and grievous harm to environment caused by them determine topicality of the analysis of the problems in the sphere of evidence and proof in administrative cases on environmental offences. The article includes analysis of the event of an administrative offence and its constituent elements, and the event is included within the scope of proving on in an administrative case. The author singles out material legal and procedural value of establishing place, time, means and other circumstances of an administrative offence. Based upon the analysis of judicial decisions on administrative offence cases in the sphere of environment protection the author points out the need to fully and precisely define the event of an offence. The author pays attention to the judicial practice on the cases on termination of the proceedings in administrative offence cases due to the lack of detailed description of the event of an offence. Based upon the study the author formulates propositions for the improvement of the current administrative legislation.


administrative responsibility, proceedings on a case, object of proof, circumstances due for proving, place of offence, time of offence, means of committing an offence, other circumstances, proving.

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