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Administrative and municipal law
Kareeva-Popelkovskaya, K.A.
On the issue of improvement of the administrative restraint measure in police activities.
// Administrative and municipal law.
2014. ¹ 1.
P. 21-24.
Kareeva-Popelkovskaya, K.A. On the issue of improvement of the administrative restraint measure in police activities.Abstract: Implementation of executive competence and guaranteeing the public order can be achieved by certain means and methods of strategic influence on minds and behavior of people. Two mutually complementing methods: convincing and coercion are used to achieve this purpose at the current stage of social development. Their social purpose and efficiency is due to the following. Firstly, these methods are determined by the general social and economic patterns of the society development. Secondly, they should be inalienable and interrelated. Thirdly, they depend on how adequately and correctly the reflect the economic and political needs of the society and the current challenges. The public coercion as a social matter is a legal category with many aspects. In the theory of law public coercion is understood as means (method) of organizing the will of subject in order for them to comply with the will of the state. Generally speaking, the public coercion may be regarded as a potential of unfavorable consequences in cases of violation of norms of law, having preventive psychological influence. The above-mentioned approaches only refer to the possibility of public coercion, and in reality it is used as legal coercion in specific legal forms and applied by competent state bodies in the course of their specialized activities on implementation of law. Keywords: restraint, coercion, police, officer, the Department of Internal Affairs, lawfulness, administration, harm, influence, application.
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