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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Nagoeva, R. A. Substitute Family: Possibilities and Problems of Social, Psychological and Pedagogical Preparation

Abstract: The author of the article proves the need for and possibilities of social and psychological preparation and psychological and pedagogical accompanying of the institution of substitute family. This social trend is gaining importance in modern Russia. The main authorities dealing with the problems of substitute families are child protective services. The author of the article states that it is not enough for an efficient functioning of the institution of substitute family in the modern world. The author analyzes the current experience in preparation of both biological and substitute parents in Russia. Preparation of biological parents is usually local and depends on a situation. The author states that according to the new legal requirements, preparation of substitute parents is a mandatory and system measure. The author defines and describes the main problems in organization and functioning of the centers of preparation of substitute families and substitute parents.


substitute, family, social, psychological, parenthood, preparation, experience, competence, center, efficiency.

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