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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich, P. S. Marginal Notes to Modern Philosophy (Review of Books Published by the Canon + Publising)

Abstract: Out of all the books published by the Canon + Publishing, the author of the present article selected works that contain a special interest towards philosophy, its peculiarities and intended purpose. Philosophy has many centuries of history. Over the centuries philosophy has been changing and acquiring different and often incompatible definitions. There are so many definitions of philosophy that it is rather difficult to sort them through. The books covered by the review actually give the panoramic review of modern philosophy. For example, in his study book A. Zotov describes numerous Western philosophy schools and gives their full evaluation. T. Kuzmina’s thesis contains many polemic statements and represents a good example of the academic thought. ‘Brief Introduction to Philosophy’ allows to describe the structure of philosophy. K. Horney’s book is given with a new and more precise translation. The review of these books gives an idea about the actual status of modern literature for graduate and post-graduate students. This is what makes the review new and practically important.


philosophy, history, spirit, culture, existentialism, existential faith, ontology, values, religion, psychoanalysis.

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