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Software systems and computational methods

Gorokhov V.G., Syuntyurenko O.V. Technological risks: information aspects of public security

Abstract: the definition of technological risks diff ers not only in diff erent areas, but also in one field of technology. The problem of technological risks in information technologies in modern society of knowledge acquires strongly pronounced social character. Informatization, convergence of computer, telecommunication and multimedia technologies provides a fundamentally new level of civilization development, increasingly aff ecting human life and society. Is it clearly positive? Does it help finding the path of sustainable development of civilization? Does the development of information and communication technologies contain any new sources of instability and threats? All of these questions require special studies and discussions. Currently society of knowledge is fundamentally ambivalent. Modern society becomes a field of permanent experiment with new informational technologies, the consequences of which can be not only positive but also negative for both society as a whole and for its individual citizens.


technological risks, the knowledge society, information security, information technologies, negative consequences, expertocracy, technocracy, computer science, information society, internet

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