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Police activity

Astishina, T.V. Interrelation between the crimes against public morality and other types of crimes.

Abstract: The article concerns crimes against public morality (implication into prostitution, organization of prostitution, production and turnover of objects with pornographic images). The author points out organized character of these crimes and their close connection with the crimes against health (purposeful causing of insignificant or medium-range harm to health, beating, torment, infection with a venereal disease and HIV-infection), human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, kidnapping, unlawful deprivation of freedom, drug crimes (implication into taking drugs and psychoactive substances, organization or keeping narcotic dens), crimes against the administration procedure (unlawful crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation, organization of illegal migration). In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical, empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logic), methods used in specific sociological studies (statistic, expert evaluation, etc.). Currently the level of registered crimes in Russia is over 2 500 000 crimes. In spite of relative lowering and stabilization of quantity characteristics of crime in the late years, the changes in its quality characteristics cause serious concern: the criminal professionalism of organized criminal groups and communities is growing, certain spheres of activity are under criminal control; the crime and officials become closely connected, and there is more of lucrative motivation. In this situation, attention is drawn to the growing number and amount of crimes regarding prostitution, production and turnover of objects with pornographic images.


crime, fight, trade, human, crime, punishment, police, implication, slavery, prostitution.

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