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Actual problems of Russian law

Minina, A.I. The objective arbitrability in legislation, doctrine and arbitration practice in Russia

Abstract: The article concerns the definition of objective arbitrability. Based upon the provisions of the federal law the author provides a detailed evaluation of objective arbitrability, such as civil law nature of the dispute, presence of a foreign element in the disputed relations. The author studies the term “commercial enterprise of a party”. She formulates conclusions on arbitrability and non-arbitrability of certain categories of disputes, in particular, the disputes regarding immovable property in the territory of the Russian Federation or the titles to it; property disputes regarding use of subsoil resources; disputes between the participants of stock exchange bidding and their contracting parties; disputes on the authentic market or other price of evaluated object; disputes between suppliers and buyers regarding conclusion, amendment, termination and performance under the state contracts for supply of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs for the state needs; disputes on compensation of harm; disputes between the state and investor based upon the agreement for the production sharing, copyright disputes. The author provides examples from the practice of the state arbitration courts, the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the disputes regarding legislation on bankruptcy, taxes, corporate disputes, conclusions on arbitrability and non-arbitrability based on the provisions of the Russian doctrine as well as the propositions of the practicing lawyers. The author offers to use the presumption of arbitrability of disputes as a general rule for objective arbitrability.


objective arbitrability, objective arbitrability, international commercial arbitration, arbitrability of disputes, arbitrability of dispute, dispute resolution, corporate disputes, fiscal disputes, insolvency disputes, International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Fe

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